Why are we still talking about women headloading?
Over 20 years ago in a remote district of Tanzania, the Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project (MIRTP) inititated the notion of gender disaggregating household travel data and in doing so demonstrated the unequal transport burden borne by women and girls. IFRTD, established in the aftermath of MIRTP to ensure the longevity of the ‘Makete Approach’, maintains a strong commitment to gender issues in transport.We can identify various significant milestones in IFRTD’s journey since Makete, including; the pioneering Balancing the Load research project in the late 90’s; collaboration with the World Bank’s Gender Mainstreaming Project in 2003; and support to Gatnet’s virtual consultation on the World Bank transport strategy in 2006.
This year IFRTD collaborated with the Asian Institute of Technology to host an international workshop on gender and transport.This edition of Forum News aims to maintain the momentum generated by this event.Alongside a melting pot of the latest research findings, resources and project news, we also bring together the reflections of long time gender and transport champions to ask how, if at all, the agenda has moved forward, where do the gaps remain, and where should we be headed?